Sir Walter Buffalo Grass in Brisbane

Is Sir Walter Buffalo Grass a good choice for lawns in Brisbane?

Well the answer is simple. It could quite possibly be the best lawn for Brisbane for many reasons.

Sir Walter’s Beautiful Green Colour

Firstly, it looks beautiful in that is has a deep lush green colour. The real beauty of this grass variety is that it can maintain this colour all year round. How? i hear you scream. Well, Sir Walter Buffalo Grass has a broad leaf compared to other grass types.

Sir Walter Buffalo Grass is Very Shade and Drought Tolerant

It’s broad leaf enables it to capture lots of sunlight in a shorter space of time. This means it grows strongly even when it only gets 2-3 hours of direct sunlight a day! This makes it one of the most shade tolerant grass types available.

Due to its deep thick root structure Sir Walter is able to withstand the extreme heat that we often get here in Brisbane Summertime. Now that’s impressive and you can see why it is the best selling grass in Brisbane and Australia.

A Great Grass for Kids and Pets to Play On

It is a very hardy grass which means it can take some stick! And even if it does get damaged it can repair itself quickly. Great for the kids to play their soccer, footy or cricket on and also for the family pets to be running around!

Australian Lawn Concepts is Based Between Brisbane and Gold Coast

We are Queensland’s Premier Turf Farm based in Boyland with 15 years of turf growing and lawn laying. We are roughly half way between Brisbane and Gold Coast. This is great because we are able to cover the majority of South East Queensland! We are a certified licensed grower of Sir Walter Buffalo Grass with AusGAP and Turf Queensland accreditations. Call 1800 767644 today to order yours!